Tips and tricks for getting the most from Google’s great service

It is easy to take a photo, video, screenshot on an Android phone, however, sometimes you just can’t find the camera photos, videos, screenshots on Android, especially when connecting the phone with PC, it is hard to find the pictures or videos you need among a bunch of random folders in Windows File Explorer. This guide is to show where the camera pictures, videos, screenshots are stored on Android and help you quickly locate the media files you need on the Android device or computer.

It is easy to take a photo, video, screenshot on an Android phone, however, sometimes you just can’t find the camera photos, videos, screenshots on Android, especially when connecting the phone with PC, it is hard to find the pictures or videos you need among a bunch of random folders in Windows File Explorer. This guide is to show where the camera pictures, videos, screenshots are stored on Android and help you quickly locate the media files you need on the Android device or computer.

Step 2: Open Files by Google app

perform an operation only on photos which are actually stored on the device.

The process shouldn’t take too long, and when it’s over, you’ll see how you now have more space in your device’s internal storage. You’ll notice how things will run smoother, among other benefits. Don’t forget that you can also free up space using Google Photos. Unlimited storage space will indeed be gone in June. Still, all the pictures and videos you save before that date don’t count to your 15GB storage limit.

There’s also a way to pump up the blues in your sky photos — without ratcheting up the saturation of the entire scene. Tap the pencil / edit button, choose the middle icon of setting sliders, and then expand the “color” section. There, you’ll see a slider for “deep blue.” Move that up, and your sky photography will get a a lot more pop. You can also use it for other blue subjects, as well.

dcim folder

I took all these photos on a camera, which I transferred to my phone. But they don’t come up in the photos app, or the normal photos section of files. They’re in a whole other folder. Which I have to share to google photos to upload them. But I still can’t share them because they’re not in the photo folder in files unless I share them from photos app, which means I have to download them/link share.

Where Are Screenshots Stored on Android?

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It’s worth using a bit of care with the shared album link. There’s no way to assign different permissions to specific people you’re sharing with. You can block someone’s Google account to revoke access to any shared album. Next to the person’s name, tap the three dots and then hit the block option.


Similarly, you can go to the file manager on your phone and click on the photos folder. Tap on the photo and you can view it individually or edit it if necessary. It will show you if the photo was saved to the internal memory of your phone or to an external SD. This is the default storage location for pictures. If you have a microSD card, make sure to set it up properly so you can access them from your phone.

Apple Photos: If all of your pictures and videos are on your phone or Mac, this should be relatively straightforward. Just install Google Photos app on your iPhone or the desktop app for your Mac. On iOS, Photos will automatically start backing up your photo library. On Mac, you’ll need to point it to the folder where your photos are stored.

Once you’re in Internal Storage, swipe down until you see the DCIM folder .

Once the initial movie is done, you can either just go with whatever Google makes or use your mobile app to take control and edit things yourself. Tap the edit icon on the bottom right of the playback screen, and you’ll be taken to a page where you can change the transitions; move, duplicate, add or delete photos and videos; or switch up the music track. Once you’re done, you can share your movie by tapping the Share icon on the bottom left of the viewing screen.

Step 1 Download and Install DoTrans on PC
Firstly, please download and install the DoTrans program on your computer by clicking the download button below. After you install it, just launch the program.


Pictures Taken with Pre-install Camera:

Google provides a service it calls Google Takeout, which essentially allows you to download a copy of all your data with Google onto your computer. You can select which data you want to download, so for this piece, we will download just the photos.

GIFs might be popular among your friends, but your parents and other family members might appreciate the movies feature of Google Photos a little more. They like that stuff. To have the mobile app automatically create a movie, select any images and videos you want to include, tap the plus button, and pick Movie.

Step 3: You will see the option to Create a New Export, and to select data to include

If you want to download all your photos, you can do so from Google Photos. You can do this by selecting the multiple photos you want to download and navigating to the three-dot icon on your phone. Next, click on Download. This will download all the selected photos. You can also download multiple photos by date, so you can check all the photos you took on a particular day. You can also select one or more photos, based on the date range, and then tap on the download button.

files by google app

Apple Photos: If all of your pictures and videos are on your phone or Mac, this should be relatively straightforward. Just install Google Photos app on your iPhone or the desktop app for your Mac. On iOS, Photos will automatically start backing up your photo library. On Mac, you’ll need to point it to the folder where your photos are stored.

In addition to this, photos taken by other camera apps also often end up in:

If your Android device supports an SD card with a high capacity, that can be a huge relief. You can save your high-quality pictures on your SD card to free up space on your device’s internal storage. Let’s how you can change the storage location for your pictures.

Once you’ve done this, you can go to your Android phone’s camera app and view what settings are available. Tap on “Settings” to enable or disable various camera options, such as saving locations. Next, enable the Location Tags feature and Save Location. If you find that some photos have been deleted, don’t worry. You can always go back to them by selecting them in the Trash.

Step 1: Open your web browser and visit https://takeout. google. com

Apple Photos: If all of your pictures and videos are on your phone or Mac, this should be relatively straightforward. Just install Google Photos app on your iPhone or the desktop app for your Mac. On iOS, Photos will automatically start backing up your photo library. On Mac, you’ll need to point it to the folder where your photos are stored.

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Inside the DCIM folder, you’ll also find other subfolders, some of them containing photos taken using alternative camera apps like OpenCamera and other similar tools.

When taking pictures with your Android phone, you can choose to store them on the phone’s internal memory, SD card, or memory card. Photos are usually stored in the DCIM/Camera folder, but you can sometimes trick your phone into thinking that it isn’t. To do this, simply press the menu key and then tap “More,” and then “Storage.”

Step 3: Open the folder and long-press any image


Trying to set Android Samsung S9 phone to only save photos to personal Google photo drive not School /work Drive. When I take a photo, it’s saving it to both – I can’t find the setting to stop this!

Read up here, you may know well where the photos stored on Android. If you want to know more about the file category in both internal and external storage, you can refer to the article Illustration on File Category of SD Card and get more details.

Google Photos automatically backs up the pictures and videos you capture with your smartphone. When you first set up the app, you’ll be given two choices on backup quality: “High quality” or “Original quality.” High quality is an enticing choice since it offers free unlimited storage for all photos up to 16MP (larger photos will be automatically resized). And it’s a fine option if you plan on sharing your images mostly online — via email, on social media, etc.

Alternatively, you can use an app called Camera Uploads to restore the deleted photos. In order to do this, you must go to the Camera Uploads folder on your Android phone and log in using your Google account. Once there, select the photos you want to restore and tap on the more option. Finally, tap on Save to Device. Your photos will be saved to your phone. And you can keep your phone safe by using a device lock to protect your privacy.

*NOTE: In most browsers, instead of indicating “ /storage/emulated/0, ” these folders appear directly as “ Internal storage ” or “ Device memory .”


There’s just one potential snag to be aware of if you’re using Apple’s iCloud Photo Library. Depending on your settings, some of your images could be in the cloud and visible on your devices — but not actually stored on them. This might be the case if you got tired of warnings about low storage on your phone and decided to buy more space with iCloud. If you’re using iCloud Photo Library, Google Photos might be unable to see or upload your photos and videos. The easiest solution is to make sure every file is actually saved on your smartphone or computer. To do that, just enable the options below:

Part 1: Copying Photos from Google Photos to Google Drive

perform an operation only on photos which are actually stored on the device.

downloaded photos in android

You can control how much access visitors have to your album by tapping on the three dots in the upper right corner of the album and selecting Options. Enable Share, and you will not only get a link to share, but you can choose whether others can add photos, or contribute comments and likes. You can also arrange to automatically add the photos of selected people and pets to the album.


Step 5: Here, images are shown as large thumbnails you can browse through


Step 2: Navigate to the folder you saved your photos to from Google Photos

Step 8: Scroll down and tap Internal Storage. This is where you can see and browse through all files and folders on your Android in a desktop-like way

You may be wondering how to free up space in Google Photos on your phone. Well, that’s not a difficult question to answer, but there are a few tricks you can use to free up space in your photo library and Google Photos. First, empty your trash and clear your photo library. After you’ve cleaned up your library, resize any DSLR photos and reduce the resolution before uploading them to your Google account. Keep in mind that photos with a resolution of 30-40 megapixels will take up precious storage space in your Google account and will have little to no use to anyone.

Locate and long-press on the camera folder until it’s selected. Tap on the Move to option that will appear when you tap on the dots at the top right.

save to drive from google photos

The path to finding camera pictures in the phone memory: /storage/emulated/DCIM/Camera
The path to finding camera pictures in the SD card: /storage/sdcard0/DCIM/Camera

If you’ve got lots of photos of friends and family, a good way to make sure you can find them is to help Google Photos identify them. Click or tap into the search box and then expand the photos of people (by clicking on the arrow to the right of the line of people photos). Each photo you now see will represent all the images of that person that Google has identified, along with their name. If the name isn’t there, and you want to add it, click on the person’s photo, and then look for the “Add a name” button on the left (on the website) or on top (in the mobile app). Once you’ve filled it in, then you’ll be able to search for all photos of that person by name.

If you’ve deleted photos from your phone, the first step to recovering them is to access the Recycle Bin. This step is slightly different for each device, but most users can access the Recycle Bin in the Gallery app. Samsung phones generally have a setting to do this within the phone’s settings. Google Photos is the default gallery app, and backed-up photos are only stored for 60 days.

The “100ANDRO” folder is no longer available in modern versions of Android. This folder probably won’t even appear on your system. However, if you have a somewhat old smartphone, it is convenient to check this folder just in case.

I took all these photos on a camera, which I transferred to my phone. But they don’t come up in the photos app, or the normal photos section of files. They’re in a whole other folder. Which I have to share to google photos to upload them. But I still can’t share them because they’re not in the photo folder in files unless I share them from photos app, which means I have to download them/link share.

If you can’t find the saved pictures, it’s likely that the pictures are not saved. For example, if Google Chrome isn’t granted permission to use the memory storage, it won’t be able to save the pictures on your phone. Go to Settings > Apps and check the app permissions.

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download google photos

Once you’ve got all the files, using the Google Photos desktop app to send them to their new home in the cloud is easy. Thankfully, Google Photos makes it painless to edit critical data for photos (ie. when they were taken) in case some of that gets lost during the move.

The process shouldn’t take too long, and when it’s over, you’ll see how you now have more space in your device’s internal storage. You’ll notice how things will run smoother, among other benefits. Don’t forget that you can also free up space using Google Photos. Unlimited storage space will indeed be gone in June. Still, all the pictures and videos you save before that date don’t count to your 15GB storage limit.

On my Android phone in Google Photos, I want to select and perform an operation only on photos which are actually stored on the device. I tried a couple of search terms such as “local” and “local:” but I am really shooting in the dark here. Is there a way I can filter or search and only show images which are on the phone, so I can then do normal operations on all of them at once? There are several pre-defined searches available like “Videos” but I don’t see any which do what I want.

If your Android device supports an SD card with a high capacity, that can be a huge relief. You can save your high-quality pictures on your SD card to free up space on your device’s internal storage. Let’s how you can change the storage location for your pictures.

phone dcim folder

Also, open to solutions if I’m doing something wrong!!

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So far you have only transferred the actual photos from Google Photos to Google Drive. The photos are now available both in Google Photos and in Google Drive but are still in the cloud. Now, in the second part, you want to download the photos to your device storage.

Step 2: Open Files by Google app


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