
Apple stores user iCloud data on both Amazon Web Services and Google’s cloud. That data is encrypted by Apple, meaning that neither Amazon nor Google can obtain the the customer’s iCloud information.

After expanding to seven countries, Britam migrated to Google Workspace to foster better collaboration across borders and between product divisions, helping to provide a seamless experience for its clients.

SGAG uses Google Workspace to collaborate with the wider team and its clients daily to deliver timely and engaging content that appeal to Singaporeans across a range of social media platforms.

Noberasco quickly adapts to changes, increasing efficiency and improving collaboration with Google Meet and Google Drive

The Financial Technology Association (FTA) represents industry leaders shaping the future of finance. We champion the power of technology-centered financial services and advocate for the modernization of financial regulation to support inclusion and responsible innovation.

Al Shirawi migrated to Google Workspace to help its employees collaborate better and support its ongoing digital transformation, saving 30% on IT costs in the process.

Ade Hassan founded Nubian Skin in 2013 to give women of color lingerie and swimwear that matches their skin tones. She runs the business on Google Workspace.

The Department of Rehabilitation and Correction updated its educational materials with Chromebooks and Google Workspace to provide students with a more flexible curriculum.

Minimal to no-fee banking services – Fintech companies typically have much lower acquisition and operating costs than traditional financial institutions. They are then able to pass on these savings in the form of no-fee or no-minimum-balance products to their customers.

LafargeHolcim, the global leader in building solutions, embraces innovation and uses Google Workspace to innovate processes, be agile and empower its employees to collaborate more effectively.

Carlo Ferrara thought his father’s agency, StreetSmart Insurance, was held back by outdated business software. Google Workspace helped reduce paperwork and improve customer service.

“Using GCP is like having a black box. We just push the code, and GCP does what it needs to do to keep the system running. Once we push the code, App Engine and the other services scale automatically, which saves us a lot of debugging time. It’s just a super simple system to use, with super simple services.”

To help host cities improve operational planning and reduce costs, Canada Games Council moved from traditional office tools to Google Workspace, cutting planning time in half and saving millions of dollars for host cities.

Your best-known crypto decisions strongly assert that crypto is traceable. One way people try to make it less traceable is with mixers, and Tornado Cash was sanctioned by OFAC not too long ago. Do you think the legal reasoning was sound enough for similar sanctions to be applied to other mixers, or decentralized exchanges?

Can you talk about the intersection of data and machine learning and how you see that playing out in the next couple of years?

Lalamove: Building affordable, versatile global on-demand delivery with Google Workspace tools

Like many tech executives, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai and Chief Financial Officer Ruth Porat have said it’s early innings for the cloud, and the company remains committed to a longer-term path to profitability, with increased scale expected to erode the losses over time.

“In AWS, we couldn’t commission resources whenever we wanted to. The caps that AWS imposed on us meant that processing a video would take days, and we’d have to plan around that. This placed an upper limit on our growth.”

Overall, we see fintech as empowering people who have been left behind by antiquated financial systems, giving them real-time insights, tips, and tools they need to turn their financial dreams into a reality.

Léon Grosse migrated to Google Workspace to facilitate collaboration between its offices and building sites, enabling employees to work from anywhere, improving efficiency and reducing infrastructure costs.

It’s not just about deploying technology. The conversation that I most end up having with CEOs is about organizational transformation. It is about how they can put data at the center of their decision-making in a way that most organizations have never actually done in their history. And it’s about using the cloud to innovate more quickly and to drive speed into their organizations. Those are cultural characteristics, not technology characteristics, and those have organizational implications about how they organize and what teams they need to have. It turns out that while the technology is sophisticated, deploying the technology is arguably the lesser challenge compared with how do you mold and shape the organization to best take advantage of all the benefits that the cloud is providing.

Prior to Kurian’s arrival, Google Cloud had been trailing or was on par with now fifth-place IBM when it came to cloud market share. It wasn’t competing aggressively enough to win the lift-and-shift core infrastructure business that was going to AWS and Microsoft Azure, and had a reputation as an organization that was more interested in convincing customers to do things Google’s way than learning what they really needed.

“In AWS, we couldn’t commission resources whenever we wanted to. The caps that AWS imposed on us meant that processing a video would take days, and we’d have to plan around that. This placed an upper limit on our growth.”

Imerys uses Google Workspace to enable collaboration and communication between its global sites across 50 countries thanks to Google Meet, Drive, and Calendar, transforming how employees work.

Discovery migrated to Google Workspace with the help of partner SADA to provide employees with real-time, flexible collaboration tools

“The shift that you’ve seen from us in terms of [a] product road map that goes from core compute and storage to a more fully fledged analytics platform, to open architecture and multicloud platforms, to even just refinements in our Workspace products and rounding out our security portfolio — all of that is matching this wave,” Grannis said. “A full partnership requires a full set of capabilities.”

It isn’t clear why Apple’s storage on Google cloud services has increased so dramatically. However, the purchase suggests that either it is more cost-effective for Apple to buy storage than it is to build out new capacity, or Apple has grown so big so quickly that it couldn’t source, build, and maintain the first-party servers in a timely fashion that is needed to store the data.

Intellect empowers employees in their creative design thinking process with Google Workspace, ensuring seamless collaboration opportunities to create the ideal digital solutions for customers.

Nordward unites four seafood suppliers on Google Workspace, enabling 290 employees to collaborate across Scandinavia and deliver fresh seafood to customers using sustainable methods.

Using Google Workspace, Sompo Insurance (Hong Kong) streamlined and modernised traditional working practices and reduced the administration load on its IT team.

Grider also appreciates Google Cloud’s willingness to develop products in conjunction with customers.

Back Market chose Google Workplace as the right solution to support its growth into a serious player in the refurbished electronics market, getting new employees up and running quickly.

You should get an alumni T-shirt.

As part of its customer-centric attitude and mandate to transform banking, ATB launched a bold transformation initiative powered by Google Workspace. As a result, ATB is driving innovation, optimizing workflows and business processes, and enabling more positive customer interactions.

The margins of our business are going to … fluctuate up and down quarter to quarter. It will depend on what capital projects we’ve spent on that quarter. Obviously, energy prices are high at the moment, and so there are some quarters that are puts, other quarters there are takes.

Do customers still want those fundamental building blocks and to piece them together themselves, or do they just want AWS to take care of all that?

While artificial intelligence (AI) systems have been a tool historically used by sophisticated investors to maximize their returns, newer and more advanced AI systems will be the key innovation to democratize access to financial systems in the future. D espite privacy, ethics, and bias issues that remain to be resolved with AI systems, the good news is that as large r datasets become progressively easier to interconnect, AI and related natural language processing (NLP) technology innovations are increasingly able to equalize access. T he even better news is that this democratization is taking multiple forms.

Whether it’s making it easy for businesses to accept payments from around the world, helping anyone, anywhere incorporate correctly in a matter of hours, or tailoring loans to businesses’ needs, Stripe services are making it possible for businesses of all sizes to use the tools that formerly were reserved for big companies in big cities. Of the companies that incorporated using Stripe, 92% are outside of Silicon Valley; 28% of founders identify as a minority; 43% are first-time entrepreneurs. Stripe powers nearly half a million businesses in rural America. Collectively, they outpace urban business revenue by 30%.

Quimmco ensured business continuity during the pandemic by using Google Workspace to rapidly transition to a fully remote workforce without disruption.

Back Market chose Google Workplace as the right solution to support its growth into a serious player in the refurbished electronics market, getting new employees up and running quickly.

A magistrate judge doesn’t set precedent in the same way as a Supreme Court justice — stare decisis only must be obeyed by lower courts, and Farqui’s is not the highest. But the ways Faruqui has weighed on cases that have come before him can give lawyers clues as to what legal frameworks will pass muster. Crypto lawyers have drawn on his prior decisions in the context of the Tornado Cash sanctions, for example.

“Other services, like AWS, didn’t give us anywhere near the customer service we get from SADA and Google Cloud, and the GCP infrastructure and services have been running flawlessly. We have no complaints.”

Financial technology is breaking down barriers to financial services and delivering value to consumers, small businesses, and the economy. Financial technology or “fintech” innovations use technology to transform traditional financial services, making them more accessible, lower-cost, and easier to use.

Comdata improves communication, services and performance, bringing benefits to its clients and their customers, by uniting its global team on Google Workspace.

Al Shirawi migrated to Google Workspace to help its employees collaborate better and support its ongoing digital transformation, saving 30% on IT costs in the process.

Lawyers are trying to take different frameworks from one topic and apply them to another, and then convince you that that is or is not appropriate. Being a judge is very different because you’re evaluating what the parties present to you as the applicable legal frameworks, and deciding how new, groundbreaking technology fits into legal frameworks that were written 10 or 15 years ago.

Andrew Gray, Partner, Morgan Lewis

Trondheim’s municipal employees connect, create, and collaborate in the office and in the field with Google Workspace, improving efficiency, mobility.

Hurley Medical Center enhances operational efficiencies, reduces costs, and helps improve patient outcomes by moving to Google Workspace from on-premises productivity software and email.

“It’s not a typical situation where we say, ‘Here’s our pain point,’ and then [they] come back with a solution,” he said. “We work directly with them. Thomas has impacted that ability from a product offering — that the customers have a front seat at what that looks like. And being in retail, we can appreciate that.”

Social Media and Data Collection. On the social media front, Google Cloud announced an expanded partnership with Snap Inc., the company behind Snapchat. As part of the partnership, Snap will use Google’s data, AI, ML and analytics to keep growing its social machine and make experiences more personalized. Snap will be able to gather insights about its community, ecosystem and partner network — which is crucial data in today’s environment.

Google Workspace has unified Homesale Realty’s growing legion of real estate agents around a single source of data, allowing them to work seamlessly, from anywhere.

“Customers today have high expectations. They want information on-the-go and prompt replies to their queries. Information technology thus becomes a business imperative, and an effective enabler towards managing and developing our business.”

Google Cloud’s biggest challenge right now is expanding globally, according to Kurian. The cloud provider has announced 19 new cloud regions since he joined. It currently has 34 regions with 103 zones and 147 network edge locations, with availability in more than 200 countries and territories. Additional cloud regions are forthcoming in Berlin; Tel Aviv; Dammam, Saudi Arabia; Doha, Qatar; and Turin, Italy.

I don’t know. I think there’s been some discussion that people may litigate some of these things, so I can’t comment, because those frequently do come to our courthouse. And I think there are certainly people opining on that, yes and no. So much of what judges do is that we rely on the parties that are before us to tell us what’s right and what’s wrong. And then, you know, obviously, they’ll have different views, and we make a decision based on what people say in front of us.

Since migrating to Google Workspace, Pegadaian improves workflow efficiency, reduces travel costs, and is able to better compete with newer players in the financial services industry.

Sony Pictures Imageworks stays on the bleeding edge of productivity and collaboration through adopting Google Workspace with support from partner SADA.

The State of Guanajuato connected more than 150 official audit forms and documents with Google Workspace automation, cutting audit timelines by 35%, increasing audit capacity and revenues collected.

iOPEX Technologies: Driving digital transformation for large enterprises with enhanced security and increased team productivity

Since migrating to Google Workspace, Pegadaian improves workflow efficiency, reduces travel costs, and is able to better compete with newer players in the financial services industry.

Entrepreneurs from every background, in every part of the world, should be empowered to start and scale global businesses.

Startup food delivery platform, FoodJets, had been using AWS for four years until its CTO learned more about Google Cloud and its benefits. To enable flexibility and innovation, the company didn’t want app devs bogged down in infrastructure management tasks; it wanted them to be able to write, enhance and scale applications without having to wrestle with overhead–moving to GCP enabled FoodJets’ team to do exactly that.

During Amazon’s Oct. 27 earnings call, it was noted there was an uptick in AWS customers wanting to cut costs, and Amazon’s CFO said customers were looking to save versus their committed spend. Do you still push multi-year contracts, and when there’s times like this, do customers have the ability to renegotiate?

He’s a longtime, tenured Amazonian with many, many different roles – important roles – in the company over a many-year period. Dilip has come over to AWS to report directly to me, running an applications group. We do have more and more customers who want to interact with the cloud at a higher level – higher up the stack or more on the application layer.

Another huge benefit of the cloud is the flexibility that it provides — the elasticity, the ability to dramatically raise or dramatically shrink the amount of resources that are consumed. In the first six months of the pandemic, Zoom’s demand went up about 300%, and they were able to seamlessly and gracefully fulfill that demand because they’re using AWS. You can only imagine if a company was in their own data centers, how hard that would have been to grow that quickly. The ability to dramatically grow or dramatically shrink your IT spend essentially is a unique feature of the cloud.

To give its customers the fastest time to value on Google Cloud Platform, Pulse Secure makes its solutions available via GCP Marketplace.

Google Cloud also strengthened its analytics and data warehouse capabilities with its $2.6 billion acquisition of Looker, a multicloud business intelligence software and big data analytics company, in early 2020. Looker has since introduced new integrations with the Google Cloud portfolio, including Connected Sheets and Data Studio in April, as well as with Salesforce’s Tableau, whose business analytics software helps users visualize and understand data.

Thirdware reduces IT complexity, lays the foundation for knowledge management, and improves security by integrating Google Workspace with other cloud platforms and applying its single sign-on feature.

iOPEX Technologies in its rapid expansion supported 60% annual global workforce growth, significant reduction in infrastructure costs by eliminating the need for platform training, and optimized real-time communications with Google Workspace.

These targeted, industry-specific products comprise one area where that work with customers pays dividends: The Home Depot helped Google Cloud build Retail Search.

In its broadest sense, Open Banking has created a secure and connected ecosystem that has led to an explosion of new and innovative solutions that benefit the customer, rapidly revolutionizing not just the banking industry but the way all companies do business. Target benefits are delivered through speed, transparency, and security, and their impact can be seen across a diverse range of use cases.

Les Grands Chais de France is switching to Google Workspace to help its international teams collaborate easily, stay close to clients, and develop new ways to communicate digitally about its wines.

Overall, we see fintech as empowering people who have been left behind by antiquated financial systems, giving them real-time insights, tips, and tools they need to turn their financial dreams into a reality.

While Google Cloud continues to operate at a hefty loss — $931 million as of the end of the first quarter — parent company Alphabet has signaled it’s taking a longer-term view when it comes to the division’s profitability, with plans to continue investing aggressively given the sizable cloud market that it sees. Though Google Cloud remains a distant third to AWS and Microsoft Azure in the cloud computing race, with a 10% share of the worldwide cloud infrastructure services market, according to Synergy Research, that’s up from 7% in 2019, and there’s plenty of room for further growth.

It will be the second re:Invent with CEO Adam Selipsky as leader of the industry’s largest cloud provider after his return last year to AWS from data visualization company Tableau Software.

Count KeyBank among the Google Cloud customers that are convinced.

To better serve its thousands of elderly and disabled clients, Amstelring uses Google Workspace and Chromebooks, helping caregivers spend less time in the office and more time with the people who need them most.

Salesforce: Driving business and positive change through collaboration

KeyBank worked with Google Cloud on Anthos, and eliminating all paper from banks and reducing fraud are two other challenges they’re considering working on together, according to Silvestri. A key part of why the relationship works, he said, is that as Google Cloud created its industry-specific services, it hired people who had worked in those industries — in this case, people with financial institution experience.

AWS has more than 200 services now. Have you hit the peak for that or can you sustain that growth?

Open finance technology enables millions of people to use the apps and services that they rely on to manage their financial lives – from overdraft protection, to money management, investing for retirement, or building credit. More than 8 in 10 Americans are now using digital finance tools powered by open finance. This is because consumers see something they like or want – a new choice, more options, or lower costs.

That being said, many customers are in a hybrid state, where they run IT in different environments. In some cases, that’s by choice; in other cases, it’s due to acquisitions, like buying companies and inherited technology. We understand and embrace the fact that it’s a messy world in IT, and that many of our customers for years are going to have some of their resources on premises, some on AWS. Some may have resources that run in other clouds. We want to make that entire hybrid environment as easy and as powerful for customers as possible, so we’ve actually invested and continue to invest very heavily in these hybrid capabilities.

Iron Mountain leverages the collaborative capabilities of Google Workspace to efficiently operate a hybrid workplace and more securely manage digital and physical assets.

With Google Workspace, Canva is delivering a collaborative environment to support a rapidly growing international workforce, keeping them connected and continuing to support a continued period of growth.

It’s not common for judges to make pop cultural references, nor to have the level of cryptocurrency expertise Faruqui has. His rulings have made smart references to “The Big Lebowski,” “Dr. Strangelove,” and “SNL” parodies of the McLaughlin Group. They also demonstrate a uniquely detailed understanding of how criminals can use cryptocurrency to their advantage and, more importantly, how they can’t: in a January forfeiture decision, for example, Faruqui noted that “cash poses a greater challenge to law enforcement than cryptocurrency in unhosted wallets.” In another, he called anonymity on the blockchain a “myth,” clarifying that cryptocurrency is an inefficient tool for criminals evading sanctions.

Nearly half of fintech users say their finances are better due to fintech and save more than $50 a month on interest and fees. Fintech also arms small businesses with the financial tools for success, including low-cost banking services, digital accounting services, and expanded access to capital.

At Bci, Google Workspace increases employee productivity, drives connectedness, and resonates with digital natives inside and outside the bank, helping strengthen the bank’s competitive edge.

The internet economy is just beginning to make a real difference for businesses of all sizes in all kinds of places. We are excited about this future.

These kinds of challenging times are exactly when you want to prepare yourself to be the innovators … to reinvigorate and reinvest and drive growth forward again. We’ve seen so many customers who have prepared themselves, are using AWS, and then when a challenge hits, are actually able to accelerate because they’ve got competitors who are not as prepared, or there’s a new opportunity that they spot. We see a lot of customers actually leaning into their cloud journeys during these uncertain economic times.

Salesforce maintains its leadership role in business, philanthropy, and workplace satisfaction in part by leveraging Google Workspace for real-time collaboration among dispersed teams and partners.